National Multi Dimensional Poverty Index — Some Shocking Insights that will make you think like never before!!
Remember learning poverty line based on per capita income or calories consumed. These items are not easy to measure. Niti Aayog has released a new set of parameters to measure poverty which appears to be very promising. It takes into account many parameters which provides an indicator of poverty level in every state. The list is given below.
for measuring multidimensional poverty that identifies people as poor or not poor based on a dual-cutoff counting method. The first order cut-off within each component indicator is applied to determine which person is “deprived” in that indicator. The information across all indicators is then aggregated to arrive at a deprivation score for each individual. The second order cut-off is then applied to identify the individuals who are multidimensionally poor. The AF methodology is an extension of the widely accepted Foster-Greer Thorbecke (FGT) class of poverty measures and has a range of technical and practical advantages
that make it favorable for use in non-monetary poverty estimation
As you see there are three broad dimensions of poverty indicators (a) Health (b) Education and ( c ) Standard of living. Again these dimensions are given equal weightage of one third. Again each dimensions is measured using multiple parameters that is aggregated using a defined mathematical formulae.
One there is a individual parameter analysis and then there is also a aggregation to determine a person who is Multi Dimensionally Poor, that is a person who is deprived on many dimensions.
The Report provides estimates of total population that is deprived in each parameter and also the total population who are multi dimensionally poor that are deprived of the above facility.
Let us see what % of people in each state are Multi Dimensionally poor!!
Bihar has more than 50% of the people who are multi dimensionally poor. That is they are really poor…This is sad…with no Food, Health, Education….They are caught in the vicious circle of Poverty with no way out….
Same is the case with other Top 10 states like Jharkhand, Uttarpradesh etc…
Tamilnadu and Kerala have done exceptionally well with almost majority of the population not deprived on the above parameters. Less than 5% in Tamilnadu and Less than 1% in Kerala. This is indeed a remarkable achievement for very large states.
Can consider taking some Chief Ministers from Tamil Nādu to Bihar on Deputation?
Karnataka even with IT tech parks, has 14% of the people in Karnataka are Multidimensionally poor. However this is still better than the BIMARU States. But needs improvement. Frankly speaking I was thinking Gujarat will be at the top of the list….But was surprised that they are no where near the Southern States.
This clearly shows that the developmental model in Southern States is the real model of development
Let us see the Individual Parameters now, which will give some shocking revelations.
Clearly from the above data, more than 50% of the Bihar Population is Undernourished.
1 in every 2 person don't get proper nourished food in the state even after 75 years of Independence. Such a Sad State of Affairs. What happened to Food Security Bill which assured adequate crop grains to the Poor? What about the great PDS Ration Shops which had to distribute adequate food grains to the poor…Is this all a sham in these states that 1 in every 2 person, even today cant get proper 2 meals a day.
Even in Karnataka more than 34% of the Population is under nourished.
Can’t imagine that even in current day Modern India such a large % of population is under nourished……
Can’t the Government ship the Food grains through Amazon, Filpkart or our own Post offices directly to these poor, instead of allowing the rats to feed on them in Government Ware Houses!!!
Can you ever imagine that for every 100 children born in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, 5 children die before attending 18 years.
The same is low in Southern States with only 1 child dying for every 100 children. This shows the emphasis given on Women Health in these states.
This also shows the state of condition of Health care facilities in these states. We need to bring in governance structure to provide proper health care facilities in these states. The Best Practices from Southern States can be taken ….
Again the same pattern continues where states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh are not able to provide adequate pre natal and ante natal care to women. This needs a lot of important. Special Focus on Women’s Health is needed in these states.
Never expected that more than 25% of the population is deprived of even six years of schooling. What kind of a governance system is it that it cannot provide even 6 years of schooling to the poor?
Remember the RTE act which has made Elementary Education a Fundamental Right….What happened to this act?
Look at the Southern States, they are surely far far better than the BIMARU States. Where did all the Income Tax and GST money given to these BIMARU states go?
Atleast they could have build some high quality schools and hospitals for the betterment of the poor.
There appears to be substantial increase in cooking fuel usage as compared to 2015–16. However the change in BIMARU states is very marginal.
The primary source of cooking fuel here is dung, agricultural crops, shrubs, wood, charcoal or coal.
This needs more intervention. However Southern States have shown a remarkable improvement in delivery of cooking fuel to masses.
Looks like a good start in providing sanitation as compared to 2015–16. Remarkable improvement in development of sanitation facilities. There is reduction by 20% in many cases showing the success of government schemes.
Always thought Drinking water problem is there only in Rajasthan Deserts. But still states like Manipur have a serious problem which require a targetted approach
Many states have done well here and the comparison clearly shows that the achievement is remarkable.
Here I saw some ad showing 100% rural electrification is done. Where is 100% electrification done? This is a success point in many states with almost 100% electrification achieved .
Adequate housing is not available to more than 75% of the population in Manipur, Arunchal Pradesh, UP, MP etc. They live in huts or dwell on the roads.
I could not even fathom this thought that in Modern Day India, such a large percentage of Indians don't have adequate housing.
The Great High Rise Apartments are only an Urban Phenomenon restricted to few cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai etc.
Really cant digest these numbers that such a large % of population don't have affordable housing.
Thanks to the Dravidian Parties who have been dolling out Freebies in Tamilnadu that more than 97% of the population have one of these assets, radio, TV, telephone, computer, animal cart, bicycle, motorbike or refrigerator.
Cant Imagine that even in Modern Day India, 25% dont have TV’s in Bihar? Can you imagine this? Atleast the governments can give TV’s as Freebies to these Houses. But then they need to provide electricity…and what not…So many if’s will never allow substantial portion of population to have even a TV…. TV’s now cost just Rs 5000/- in FilpKart….TV’s with Solar Panel Batteries may be a option…
Political Parties can think of giving a TV to every house during the election. It may save them big bugs….since 2000 x 4 votes will be Rs 8000/-…you can save Rs 3000/- in the entire transactions….
This is one area where southern states have done a great work, while states like Bihar are complete laggards. Banking again there is a remarkable improvement as compared to 2015–16.
Friends, This is the reality of India. I felt bad seeing that even after 75 yrs of Independence we have not been able to provide quality Education, Health and Good standard of living to large sections of societies…..
The Southern States are surely the role model for Economic and Human Development in India.
The Best Practices from these states should be taken and replicated in bad performing states like Bihar, UP etc…