Karnataka and Tamilnadu- The worst in Corona is over….
I would be happy to see corona end tomorrow…But recent global spikes have again led state governments impose night curfews and various other restrictions…which according to me has no scientific basis…
Looks like in the Southern states like Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andrapradesh worst phase of corona is over and with rapid roll out of vaccine, it is very unlikely that severe lockdowns may be required.
I looked at the projections from IHME whose forecasts has been relied upon even by Bill Gates in his recent interviews.
Next four to six months could be worst of COVID-19 pandemic, says Bill Gates — The Hindu
I have considered the projections made by IHME for various Indian states which are enumerated below
Projections for Karnataka
Karnataka is doing well and when we drill down to city and taluk level, many parts of the states will have single digit numbers and looks like the worst is over.
Projections for Tamilnadu
Tamilnadu is doing well and when we drill down to city and taluk level, many parts of the states will have single digit numbers and looks like the worst is over. However we need to ensure better mask culture in the state as compared to Karnataka. Karnataka has done better on this count.
Looks like the worst part of Corona is over in these states